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A challenge is an endowed game in which two teams will play against each other on the game of their choice to win a cash prize.

A team can be from 1 to 5 or more players, it depends on the game and the available modes.

The amount of tokens to participate in the challenge is defined by the team/player creating the challenge.

How challenges are created ?โ€‹

Any player can create a challenge, he must have a linked game account, then choose a mode and a cash prize.

It will be published in the challenge list, and visible for everyone, it will be possible to invite a friend as opponent.

On each challenge the level of each team/player are shown, so you can choose to fight against players of your level.

How it works ?โ€‹

When a challenge is created, we store it in the list of new challenge, when an opponent join the challenge it's created on the blockchain.

Each players will lock their tokens, it could be $NBZ or stable one, to create the cash prize and ensure no double payment.

Depending on the game and the mode there is two different way of doing challenge:

  • Your game against the opponent game
  • Direct game against the opponent

Then we get back the results directly from the game (more details Proof Of Victory), we process them to create a score regarding the results for each games, and the challenge is then closed on blockchain with all the informations.

The cash prize is then sent to the winner, minus the challenge fee (more info on [challenge fee])