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An Esports tournament is an event during which several teams of players, ranging from 1 to X players, will compete to win cash prizes.

Those tournaments can be organized by anyone or officialy by Noobizes, the participating teams will challenge each other through several games until only one team remains.

Tournaments works as challenges, it use the principle of Proof Of Victory, to avoid moderation and score declaration.

Official Tournamentsโ€‹

Official tournaments are organized by Noobizes, we aim to allow, every players to be able to compete in tournaments of their level.

By respecting our vision of sharing, we will make available interesting cash prizes regardless of the level required to participate in the tournament.

To compete in a rank capped tournament a user must have a rank attribued on the given game on Noobizes.
(it means that the user must have already did some challenges)

We want to keep our tournaments a safe place for any players, avoiding as much as possible cheater and smurf account.

Community Tournamentsโ€‹

Users can create or participate in tournaments, we want them to be actors in the development and animation of the platform.

By creating your own tournament on the protocol, you will be rewarded by a percentage on the tournaments commission, you bring us value, we give it back.

A tournament can be accessible freely, or the creator can choose to add entry fee, those entry fee can reward the creator or make a bigger cash price.

Those tournaments are fully automated, it means that users or creator don't need to declare score, don't need screenshot or video replay.